
PH15 System


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Thermal Bridge Calculations

We have thermal bridge calculations (linear psi values) for all of the principle junctions in typical PH15 builds to suit PHPP and SAP. In addition we have install psi values  for our windows with or without blinds, in render or rainscreen configurations.

Although it is not mandatory in PHPP to enter psi values if you can pass without doing so, if you use even one you must enter them all – positive and negative. The PH15 psi values are generally very favourable and can help get you across the line for projects that are struggling to pass.

The fRsi value and minimum surface temperature for all of the junctions is also calculated to confirm there is no risk of condensation on internal surfaces.

If required we can do bespoke calculations for specific, unusual details. Please contact us for a quote.

The analysis was carried out using Flixo v8.1 Finite Elemental Analysis software. This software has been developed for 2 dimensional steady state thermal simulation according to EN ISO 10077-2. Calculations are performed to EN ISO 10211(Opaque building component connections), EN ISO 10077 (Transparent building components), and EN ISO 13370 (Components in contact with the ground).


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Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) was developed to address the concerns and perceived risks associated with innovative construction. BOPAS is recognised by the principal mortgage lenders as providing the necessary assurance underpinned by a warranty provision, that the property will be readily mortgageable for at least 60 years.
certified passivhaus consultant
Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) was developed to address these concerns and perceived risks associated with innovative construction. BOPAS is recognised by the principal mortgage lenders as providing the necessary assurance underpinned by a warranty provision, that the property will be readily mortgageable for at least 60 years.