Designed for wellbeing
The PH15 approach is to ensure very high indoor air quality (IAQ) in all our new homes. Ventilation is controlled so that the interior spaces are always being supplied with fresh filtered air.
Many people suffer with respiratory challenges and diseases such as asthma and experience significant relief when given a chance to experience this form of ventilation and high IAQ. This ventilation solution involves heat recovery from the outgoing air (typically 90%) and also modulates the relative humidity of the air. The external air temperature might be raised up from 8°C outside to a supply temperature of 18°C. In this way, very little heat is lost by the exchange from stale to fresh air. The external air might also have a RH level of 98%, and the exchanger can modulate this down to a supply level of 55% RH with the excess moisture taken away by a
condensate drain. Ventilation systems like this are known as MVHR, and we design and supply these for every one of our PH15 projects.
The system we use is made by a company called Zehnder. The very low speed of the continuously moving air means the system is very quiet. This constant air movement means the home becomes extremely comfortable, and the internal humidity falls into a range that is optimal for human health – see diagram below. The removal of moisture from the air, within the unit’s heat exchanger, and the continuous extraction of moist air at source (bathrooms/kitchens) ensures that condensation and mould growth does not occur – something that is sadly commonly experienced in our UK homes.
The PH15 approach is to ensure very high indoor air quality (IAQ) in all our new homes.

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