
PH15 System


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Where can I see a PH15?

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Where can I visit a PH15 build?

We have a number of past clients who are keen to promote the benefits of living in a passivhaus and are happy to share their experience and open their homes to the public on Passivhaus Trust Open Days. We can, on occasions, also arrange visits outside of these events.

Please contact us to discuss this.

If you are fired up by the passivhaus movement’s goal to bring better housing to the UK and would be willing to share your experience at Passivhaus Trust events please let us know. They are always pre-booked and numbers can be restricted to suit you.

If you are visiting a project that is still under construction you would be doing so at your own risk.

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Passivhaus Trust Member
Anti-greenwash Charter - a structured framework to ensure transparent and honest environmental communications.
Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) was developed to address the concerns and perceived risks associated with innovative construction. BOPAS is recognised by the principal mortgage lenders as providing the necessary assurance underpinned by a warranty provision, that the property will be readily mortgageable for at least 60 years.
certified passivhaus consultant
Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) was developed to address these concerns and perceived risks associated with innovative construction. BOPAS is recognised by the principal mortgage lenders as providing the necessary assurance underpinned by a warranty provision, that the property will be readily mortgageable for at least 60 years.