New dwelling, Berkhampsted, Hertfordshire

New build 5 bed detached house (treated floor area 239 sqm) designed by architect Phil Bailey (Contour Architecture) and developed to the passivhaus standard using the PH15 Passivhaus System.
External finishes of lime render and timber cladding with slated and standing seam metal roofs. The property uses a ground source heat pump and PV panels for its energy needs.
Passivhaus and Carbon/Energy statistics:
TFA: 239 m².
Building Form Factor: 3.2 with average wall and roof U-value 0.01 W/m²K, floor 0.09 W/m²K, and average installed whole window/door U values 0.9 W/m²K.
Overheating percentage: 2.3%.
Predicted Heating Demand: 13.7 kWh/m².yr.
Heating load: 11.44 W/m².
AC/hr @ 50 Pa: 0.19
Windows and doors: Katzbeck
Embodied Carbon PH15 only A1-A3: 26.5 t CO2e
Construction by: Jigsaw Design and Construction Ltd
Completed: Summer 2021

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